Noticias y Eventos

Presentation of Auto Tecnica Issue No. 500 at the Chamber of Deputies

Yesterday, Tuesday, November 26, 2024, the presentation of the 500th edition of Auto Tecnica took place in the Press Room of the Chamber of Deputies. This marks a significant milestone for the historic magazine, which has been a reference point for automotive sector information for decades.

Giovanni Deregibus, CEO of the Holdim Group, along with other prominent speakers, reflected on the current state and future prospects of automotive communication in Italy, sharing examples of excellence and success in the national landscape.

The event was not only an opportunity to celebrate an important milestone but also to discuss the future of mobility and communication in the country.

What is Auto Tecnica?

Auto Tecnica is an Italian magazine specializing in automotive technology and innovation. It caters to professionals and enthusiasts, covering topics such as engines, mechanics, electronics, hybrid and electric vehicles. The magazine offers technical analyses, test drives, and insights into new technologies and driver assistance systems (ADAS). It is a key resource for staying updated on developments in the automotive industry.

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